The project: My Pelisse I gave up on a couple of years ago.
What happened: I started the project, cut it out of both the uncut corduroy and flannel backed satin, got the bodice done, and that was it. The sleeves were never sewn and the skirt was never pleated, sewn, or attached in anyway. If I remember correctly, I got sick and ended up not needing it for the event I was going to so it never got finished.
The Challenge: UFO
Fabric: Uncut Corduroy and flannel backed satin
Pattern: I think it was a Sense & Sensibility Pattern
Year: Ummm...Regency? I think 1810's...
Notions:Thread, buttons
How historically accurate is it? The cut is correct and the facing fabric looks like a velveteen they would have used in period but the satin is very man made
Hours to complete: ...2 years? Oh, and one month because I started it back in Dec 2010 I think.
First worn: This upcoming weekend most likely
Total cost: I really don't recall.

It is wrinkled - due to sitting on the shelf for so long- but I can fix that. I also need to add buttons - I couldn't decide tonight. However, it's in coat form and it's at the point I can wear it as a coat...even if I'd have to pin it closed. ;-)
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