- HSF #14: Turkish Coat
- HSF #15: White Doctor Who but actually pretty accurate late 16th C gown
- A UFO project that I finally finished (unfortunately, I need to re do it again now as the lining ripped apart badly)
- One of the commissions I did this year
- And another - both done in the 1530's Florentine Style
- A doublet
- And another...
- HSF #16: A new chemise with embroidery and all hand sewn
- The crazy velvet jacket I made
- My new robe!
- Repurposing an old cigar box
- My New curtains using the fabric I made at spoonflower
- HSF #17: giornea
- The dress dummy of DOOM!
- My 1790's ish Striped Regency Dress
- Middle Child nephew's Renaissance outfit
- Hard to see even in the big picture (click on any picture to be taken to a larger size of that picture) but youngest nephew's Renaissance tunic
- Oldest nephew's Tunic
- Underdress 1490's Italian style
- Mom's Super Cute Renn Dress
- A shrug
- A tiered skirt
- Cords that I wear ALL THE TIME
- A jacket, a summer top, and a pair of PJ bottoms that I made within 24 hours of each other
- HSF #18: Remaking my very first costume/garb/thing I made myself into something I'd actually wear again
- Bustled Petticoat in Strawberry Shortcake fabric
- And the corset
- And the bustle pad
- HSF #19: Chopines! (I know no one else was impressed by these but I LOVE them)
- 1920's Brassiere
- 1920's Combinations
- 1920's Dress that I love
- Hand Puppets I made for middle child nephew's birthday
- HSF #20: Little Red Riding Hood
- Nephews Halloween Outfits (the entry for Middle Child's Butterfly can be seen Here) Oldest is Link from Zelda and youngest was supposed to be a jester but it's hard to tell as he raced in front of the camera
- A very bad attempt at a zibellino
- A new jacket

- HSF #22: Fairy Queen Dress
- 1860's Corset and a quilted petticoat
- HSF # 23: 1860's Day Dresses
- 1860's Ball Gown
- My coat! Now that I've been wearing it for about a month, I can say I love it easily. Everyone asks me where I got it. :-)
- HSF #25: 18th C Mitts
- Star Trek uniforms, Apron, and my Christmas dress
- HSF #26: late Regency dress re trimming
So, believe it or not, there was even more stuff I did - like the hideous pink bustle dress from Hell- but I really don't like those at all and would much rather not remember them so...here's the final list!
And in the next post, hopefully, oldest nephew's birthday gift.
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